Saturday 12 November 2011

Magazine Cover Analysis; Inception

The main story and cover image of this magazine is the film 'Inception'. It is also described as the 'mind-blowing issue' which may be related to the 'Inception' feature, or may be due to it being a special edition or including special content. It would appear to immediately appeal to action/thriller fans, however also includes content for younger fans (toy story).
The main colours used are red, white, grey and black. The title is mainly grey with hints of blue, and is comprised of computer/technological components. This transfers slightly to the background which is of a blue hue.
The cover features one main image, central on the page and is a mid-long shot of the protaganist of the featured film. There is also a puff featured on this front cover drawing your attention to another main feature of the magazine.
Underneath the magazine title is the date and issue number on the left hand side, and the magazines website address on the right. As the cover can't use too many words, the words used must excite and draw the reader in. Lexis such as 'mind-blowing' 'first look' and questions like 'Re-boot of the year?' grab the readers attention and encourage them to buy/read the magazine.

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