Wednesday 21 March 2012

Focus Group Responses - Poster

To gather further feedback for my print work, I gathered my focus group together again to collect their responses to my poster and magazine cover.
I firstly showed them my poster (see below) and received the following feedback:

Female, student, age 15‘I really like it. I think the image works really well and jumps out at me as being horror. The tagline is really good, creepy even. I think my favourite thing is the font of the title, really inventive and works well with the image.’
Female, student, age 18‘I think the image could have done with being slightly bigger, but it is effective and all the elements seem to work together well.’
Female, media student, age 22‘I like the image a lot. The slight tilt of the head by the masked man really gives it an eerie edge. You’ve clearly thought a lot about the image and it shows. Good job.’
Female, journalist, age 25‘I’m not too keen on the font and colour that the actor’s names are written it. It’s the only part of the poster that doesn’t seem to quite work for some reason. Other than that it does work well as a horror poster.’
Male, advertising student, age 21‘Looks like a horror poster, the lighting in your image is great, the editing is really good, well done.’
Male, student, age 19‘Like the way the holes in the two chairs mirror the eyes of the masked man, clever! Looks like a horror poster, only thing I’d change is some of the fonts.’

Following these comments, I chose not to edit the poster as I think I got some really positive feedback and was pleased with the overall effect.

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