Wednesday 21 March 2012

Focus Group

To gather feedback on my work, I thought the best idea would be to gather a small selection of people together to use as a focus group. With a focus group I would be able to ask my subjects face to face their opinions, and if I was unsure of anything they said I would be able to probe them into giving me further ideas to clarify. Focus groups are also quite intimate, and I would be able to see things such as facial expression that I wouldn’t by creating and handing out a questionnaire. This meant I could get a real idea of what people thought of my work. By using a focus group I’d be able to see what I could do to improve my products, and gather a majority opinion. My focus group comprised of people ranging from ages 15 to 25, as this is the target audience age I had gathered from my audience research. I chose to use six people for my focus group, all of whom were interested in horror films and also had an interest in advertising/media. As I saw in my research, the predominant gender interested in horror is female, so I chose four females and two males for my focus group.

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