Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Film Poster Analysis; Black Swan

Black Swan is an oxymoron; swans are white. Swans also have connotations of purity and elegance, whereas black contrasts this, with its own connotations of hatred, pain and the unknown. This is a very mysterious title - it makes the reader imagine something good gone bad.

Title graphics
The title is the only part of the image in black text, which contrasts with the whiteness of the rest of the image. It does not take up a particularly large amount of space on the page, sitting centrally in the bottom third. It is quite a plain, serif font, with elements of elegance. The font itself seems to contrast with the colour of the text.

The image is quite similar to the one in the 'One Missed Call' poster in its size and position. The image is not a frightening one,  yet startling in its own way. It is a head and shoulder shot of the main character, with the middle third the most focused, with the crown and shoulders in soft focus, drawing the viewers attention to the most striking part of the image.

The colours used in this poster are white, grey, black, red and a nude/pinkish flesh tone for the lower text. Most of the image is fairly neutral, with a white/grey background, nude/skin toned lower half and white face. However the eyes and lips are very striking, and along with the title text stand out significantly. This reinforces the idea of the 'black swan', with the two contrasting so harshly.

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