Wednesday 26 October 2011

Film Poster Analysis; One Missed Call

The title of this film 'One Missed Call' perhaps does not instantly scream 'horror' to some; however does insinuate something quite eerie beyond it's not-so-scary title. (Missed) calls are something very common to people, so it would seem that the film could be identifiable by a mass audience.

Title Graphics
The title is in a white, serif font, and all in all is quite basic. The only mentionable thing about the title graphics is the misty effect at the bottom of the text, which adds to the eerie theme of the film.

Tag line
'What will it sound like when you die?' This is a direct mode of address to the reader, so instantly a connection is formed with the possible viewer. As it is a question it also gives the viewer something to think about, and this question could play on their minds for hours - playing on their senses to intrigue them until they go and see the film.

There is only one image used, and it sits centrally on the page. The image is particulary creepy; the face is not entirely human, and the first thing you are really drawn to is the 'eyes'. The image has been digitally altered to have screaming mouths in the place of eyes, however from a distance they still look like eyes. The face is holding a phone to its ear, reinforcing the idea that there is something terrifying about 'missed calls'. The image directly tells the viewer that this is a poster for a horror film. The image does not just sit on the page, but is blended into the background, almost as if the face is coming out of a dark shadow.

The colours used are black, red, white, and an eerie skin colour. These colours all fit the conventions of horror; black to insinuate darkness, unknown and death, red to insinuate blood, and white to contrast the black.

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